Wonder Years' Story

In 2000, Wonder Years Education Society grew out from an idea of early childhood years being the wonder years of development. Experimentation with the education system and delivering quality learning have been our core objectives since. We developed an environment centered around fun with learning.

Two decades of experience with young minds has taught us the value of creative free-play in early education.
Our curriculum draws upon insights and knowledge from Reggio Emillia. A revolutionary idea in early education that believes in the children’s capacity to learn by themselves. Wonder Years inspired by this has adopted a play based, experiential and child-directed method of learning. Our aim is to create a community where the child, family, and educator are collaborators in learning.

Our Inspiration

Jean Piaget

The curriculum for each program is developed in light of Jean Piaget’s stages of cognitive development.

Reggio Emilia

A revolutionary approach – non-directive and constructivist philosophy for learning. The child leads and directs the process of learning based on their innate curiosity and potential.

Maria Montessori

Exercises of Practical Life (EPL) are incorporated into the curriculum to aid the child’s functioning in daily life.

About The Founder

Sharmila Galundia, the founder of Wonder Years, pioneered Toddler education in Jaipur in the early 2000s by introducing a curriculum based on—fun with learning. Having had experience in teaching and dealing with children for 18 years her core learning has been to let each child reach their own potential by developing a fertile environment and tools to further the child’s interest. Wonder Years Education Society was born from this idea on which Beacon Public School built its foundation. Beacon, gained respect in the community of junior and middle schools, to prepare students to transition to the city’s most coveted high schools. Personally committed to lifelong learning she updated her credentials with a B.Ed in 2007 and continues to attend various workshops specifically in child education and psychology.

In the journey to further the students’ potential, she learned and realized her own true callingprovide an experiential and collaborative approach to formative learning. Aptly naming her new endeavor Wonder Years, she condensed two decades of learning, passion, and experience into it. She hopes to extend this learning to parents and other members of the community. She lives by the proverbial truth, the journey is more important than the destination and hopes to take forward primary education in India to uncharted territories. 



© 2018 WonderYears